About RoDI

What is RoDI?

RoDI (Robot Didáctico Inalámbrico in Spanish) is a small, wireless, cheap and esay to use robot for teaching children (and why not, grown-ups), concepts about robotics, programming, electronics; and through them other concepts like math, geometry, physics, etc. It was developed in Paraguay by Gary Servin (@garyservin) and Martin Abente (@tchx84).

A bit of hstory

Before RoDI, we used the Butiá Robot, developed by the MINA group at the Universisty of the Republic in Uruguay for teaching children. In Butiá, you could put a laptop (generally one of the OLPC project) on top of the robot so the laptop wourld then become the mobile robot giving you access to all the processing power an sensors on it. Unfortunatelly the model was not easy to implement in Paraguay due to the limited places where the OLPC project was deployed and to the cost of producing each robot.

So Martin and Gary started to define a scheleton of what a cheap, really easy to use, wireless and that could be used to teach programming would look like. Some protoypes after that, RoDI was born!

Do you want to know what makes RoDI tick? See the documentation.